Category: News

Liberal forum for political dialogue: freedom of the press and the fight against fake news in the digital age

El Hadj Kasse, member of the Bridge Tank’s board, was one of the keynote speakers of the Liberal Forum of Political Dialogue dedicated to the freedom of the press and the fight against fake news during the digital age. This event took place on the 7th of December 2020 in Dakar, Senegal. 

Among the other keynote speakers were Seydou Gueye, Spokesperson and Communications Coordinator for the presidency of the Republic, Mamadou Ibra Kane, Director General of the Future Media Group, and Mame Less Camara, Director of Information for the Future Media group.

T20 handover between Saudi Arabia and Italy

The T20 presidency handover between Saudi Arabia and Italy took place on the 30th of November 2020. The Argentinian, Japanese and Saudi chairs of the former presidencies attended this important event, to highlight the continuity of the works and research of the T20. The Bridge Tank has been a member of the T20 since 2016, and will participate to the Italian presidency’s works in 2021.

On the occasion of this handover, a debate was organised on themes such as the lesson from the past presidencies, the challenges and priorities for the Italian presidency, and the coming challenges for multilateralism. Among the keynote speakers of this debate were Pietro Benaéssi, Sherpa of the G20 for Italy, Fahad M. Alturki, Chair of the T20 for Saudi Arabia, Paolo Magri, Chair of the T20 for Italy, Julia Pomares and Gustavo Martinez, chairs of the T20 for Argentina, Naoyuki Yoshino, chair of the T20 for Japan, and Ettore Greco and Antonio Villafranca, coordinators of the T20 for Italy. This debate was chaired by James McGann, Director of the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program of the Lauder Institute of the University of Pennsylvania.

2020 Horasis Asia Meeting

During the annual Horasis Asia Meeting, which gathered 400 of the regions and the world’s most senior leaders from business and government, the speakers exchanged about the overcoming of the profound economic, political and social disruptions caused by COVID-19. This event took place on the 30th of November 2020.

Joël Ruet moderated one of the panels, entitled “ESG Investing in Asia Post-COVID”. Among the keynote speakers of this session were Ara Brutian, Director and Head of Digital Innovation for Sustainalytics, Rajiv Lall, managing director and vice-chairman of Infrastructure Development Finance Company, Kai Dai, CEO of Young Sustainable Impact Greater China and Chairman of the Kylin Prime Group, and Arun Sharma, President of Grovepike Associates. It was highlighted during this panel that data structuring and norms were at the centre of the post-COVID investments, and it was also underlined that this COVID crisis had to be considered as an opportunity for investment. The United States’ return to Asia, in terms of investments, was also noted. Voluntary disclosure and engagement was defined to be a key component of the future of finance, especially with the rising generational issues..

Democracies, Governances, Rules of law in Africa, which perspectives?

Alain Dupouy, president of the Objective Future Africa Club (O2A) think tank and Alain Juppé’s former advisor for Africa, hosted a workshop which gathered political actors and activists from West African countries, notably Guinea, Tchad, Senegal, Ivory Coast, and Benin. This discussion was following the theme “Democracies, Governances, Rules of law in Africa, which perspectives?”. It took place on the 26th of November 2020. 

Among the keynote speakers were Cellou Dalein Diallo, President of the Union of Democratic Forces of Guinea and former Guinean Prime Minister, Succès Masra, President of the Chadian Transformers Party, Abdoul Aziz Mbaye, former chief of staff for the Senegalese President Macky Sall, Alain Juillet, former head of the French General Directorate for External Security, Joël Ruet, President of The Bridge Tank, Laurent Bigot, former French diplomat, and Reckya Madougou, former Beninese Minister of Justice. 

The points that were made during these exchanges were that democracy was perfectly compatible with Africa, as long as criteria of social justice and wealth redistribution were met. The international community also has to encourage dynamism for the private economic sector to help the professional development of the African youth. Africa’s future must be decided in Africa to ensure its longevity.

Setting-up the roadmap for the G20

Suresh Prabhu, India’s G7 and G20 Sherpa and member of the Bridge Tank’s board, Nicolas Pinaud, OECD G20 Sherpa, Joël Ruet, Deep Kapuria, co-chairman of the B20 Task Force on Digital Economy and Industry 4.0 and chairman of the CII Regional Committee on Central Europe, took part in the webinar organised by the Riyadh Summit Declaration. The speakers discussed the roadmap for the G20 beyond the Riyadh G20 Summit, which took place earlier in 2020, during this workshop on the 26th of November 2020. Given that India will take over the G20 presidency after Italy, setting out guidelines for the mitigation of the impacts of COVID-19 and the handling of the economic recovery this early is key to efficiency. 

Nicolas Pinaud’s intervention was entitled “Emerging from the pandemic: opportunities to address structural challenges and build back better”. He argued that the G20 Action Plan remained a living document that had to be used to set out the G20’s response and its commitment to drive forward international economic cooperation and to reduce inequalities, as well as the Debt Service Suspension. He also highlighted the need to acknowledge that universal, secure, and affordable connectivity, is a fundamental enabler for the digital economy and a global and consensus-based solution to the tax challenges of digitalisation should be encouraged. He underlined the G20’s support for tackling pressing environmental challenges, especially with its intention to play a leading role in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. Nicolas Pinaud earmarked the Italian presidency of the G20’s actions into three main categories: people, planet and prosperity. These categories are then subdivided to follow either the Sherpa Track, focusing on social protection, new forms of work, urban reforestation and gender equality, or the Finance Track, focusing on productivity, digitalisation and sustainable finance.

Debate between Rajiv Kumar and Yoginder Alagh on “Agricultural policies in the COVID phase”

Rajiv Kumar, vice-Chairman and executive head of NITI Aayog, discussed with Yoginder Alagh, former Indian Minister of Power and member of the Bridge Tank’s board. NITI Aayog replaced the Planning Commission in 2015 and is chaired by Narendra Modi, the Indian Prime Minister.

This dialogue was organised by the World Bank and constituted the introductory statements of the webinar entitled “Agricultural Policy in the COVID phase”. It took place on the 24th of November 2020.

World Internet Conference

The World Internet Conference was co-organised by the Institute of Sustainable of the Chinese Academy of Science on the 23rd of November 2020. The Bridge Tank was invited to attend this hybrid conference, following its partnership with the Institute.

Joël Ruet took part in the inauguration session of this event, with an intervention themed “Between public good and appropriation”. He there argued that the Internet has strongly influenced the redefinition of public space, with a more or less important place according to the civilisational definition of public space. He added that the COVID-19 crisis highlighted the increasingly important issue of data sovereignty, notably in Southern countries, as well as the one of the framing, the conveying and the articulation of contents by technologies. Artificial intelligence therefore must be considered as directly depending and related to the Internet, affecting every aspect of the life of the biosphere and the living species on this planet. Joël Ruet therefore recommends a multilateral cooperation to be able to preserve the Internet as an asset and not a threat.

Joël Ruet is a keynote speaker at the International Think Tank Forum on the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road

The International Think Tank Forum on the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road gathered Chinese and foreign scholars, government officials and international organization representatives on the 10th of November 2018 in Guangzhou (Guangdong, China). It was co-organized by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.  

Joël Ruet was a keynote speaker of the opening ceremony of this forum.

Joël Ruet on CGTN, about the G20 summit

Joël Ruet was interviewed in the evening show « Dialogue » on CGTN to comment on the G20 Summit, along with Qu Qiang, Assistant Director of the International Monetary Institute of the Renmin University of China, Eric Ding, Epidemiologist and Senior Fellow of the Federation of American Scientists, and Andy Mok, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for China and Globalisation. Our chairman argued that coordination among members of the European Union was key, notably to be able to discuss about climate change with the United States. He added that the real test for the vaccines production would be the measure of the impact on populations of the various vaccine candidates. Joël Ruet added that the United States might also react to the timing of signing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership that has been just signed between ASEAN countries, China, Japan and Australia. This interview took place on the 21st of November 2020.

International Finance Forum 2020

Edmond Alphandéry, former French Minister of Economy and former President of EDF, took part in the International Finance Forum 2020 Annual Meeting in the name of the task force he chairs, Carbon Pricing in Europe. The Bridge Tank’s team, who contributed to this task force’s work, also attended this event. This forum allowed experts to discuss how to set up a common agenda between Europe and China regarding carbon pricing. This event took place on the 21st of November 2020.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
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