How we work

Trends we Track

Securing Strategic Energies & Resources

We map the increasing use of “non-market” mechanisms in green technology supply chains

Money Creation towards Green Industry Funds

We support the role of monetary tools to support an ecological transformation in the industry

Hedging a Diversified Industrial Globalisation

We analyse “South-South-North” business ecosystems synergies and inter-dependencies

Cultivating Nature as a Resilient "Living Capital"

We forecast the growing role of natural ecosystem services in business models resilience

Anticipating New Emerging Elites' Influence

We convene a recurring conversation between emerging economies leaders & global platforms

Understanding "non-aligned" forms of Capitalism

We analyse how emerging countries frame competitiveness and state-industry relations

How we work

Mapping "weak signals" & new models

We identify rising trends through research, feeding data with insiders interviews on new business models, towards pre-competitive knowledge

Industrial Analysis & Strategic Options

We design Briefs and Reports to convey the analysis of utmost professional insight and independence through curated privileged access

The Club: Collective Intelligence on Trends

We provide a space for leaders of different streams value time spent on prepared, focused, and followed-up closed door exchange

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Copyright 2020 - The Bridge Tank