Category: Global Governance

Setting-up the roadmap for the G20

Suresh Prabhu, India’s G7 and G20 Sherpa and member of the Bridge Tank’s board, Nicolas Pinaud, OECD G20 Sherpa, Joël Ruet, Deep Kapuria, co-chairman of the B20 Task Force on Digital Economy and Industry 4.0 and chairman of the CII Regional Committee on Central Europe, took part in the webinar organised by the Riyadh Summit Declaration. The speakers discussed the roadmap for the G20 beyond the Riyadh G20 Summit, which took place earlier in 2020, during this workshop on the 26th of November 2020. Given that India will take over the G20 presidency after Italy, setting out guidelines for the mitigation of the impacts of COVID-19 and the handling of the economic recovery this early is key to efficiency. 

Nicolas Pinaud’s intervention was entitled “Emerging from the pandemic: opportunities to address structural challenges and build back better”. He argued that the G20 Action Plan remained a living document that had to be used to set out the G20’s response and its commitment to drive forward international economic cooperation and to reduce inequalities, as well as the Debt Service Suspension. He also highlighted the need to acknowledge that universal, secure, and affordable connectivity, is a fundamental enabler for the digital economy and a global and consensus-based solution to the tax challenges of digitalisation should be encouraged. He underlined the G20’s support for tackling pressing environmental challenges, especially with its intention to play a leading role in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. Nicolas Pinaud earmarked the Italian presidency of the G20’s actions into three main categories: people, planet and prosperity. These categories are then subdivided to follow either the Sherpa Track, focusing on social protection, new forms of work, urban reforestation and gender equality, or the Finance Track, focusing on productivity, digitalisation and sustainable finance.

Joël Ruet on CGTN, about the G20 summit

Joël Ruet was interviewed in the evening show « Dialogue » on CGTN to comment on the G20 Summit, along with Qu Qiang, Assistant Director of the International Monetary Institute of the Renmin University of China, Eric Ding, Epidemiologist and Senior Fellow of the Federation of American Scientists, and Andy Mok, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for China and Globalisation. Our chairman argued that coordination among members of the European Union was key, notably to be able to discuss about climate change with the United States. He added that the real test for the vaccines production would be the measure of the impact on populations of the various vaccine candidates. Joël Ruet added that the United States might also react to the timing of signing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership that has been just signed between ASEAN countries, China, Japan and Australia. This interview took place on the 21st of November 2020.

International Finance Forum 2020

Edmond Alphandéry, former French Minister of Economy and former President of EDF, took part in the International Finance Forum 2020 Annual Meeting in the name of the task force he chairs, Carbon Pricing in Europe. The Bridge Tank’s team, who contributed to this task force’s work, also attended this event. This forum allowed experts to discuss how to set up a common agenda between Europe and China regarding carbon pricing. This event took place on the 21st of November 2020.

RCEP agreement and India

Pranjal Sharma, member of the Bridge Tank’s board, wrote a paper for The Daily Guardian entitled “RCEP and India: Between the lines” on the 21st of November 2020. The RCEP is a multilateral trade agreement between Asian countries, started by China during the 2011 ASEAN meeting. China intends on using this agreement, which creates a coalition of trade partners, to counter the American and European influences in the global economy.

In this paper, Pranjal Sharma argued that India did not sign this agreement as it has been sceptical of regional trade agreements involving China, especially considering that Chinese cheap exportations have seriously affected many sectors in many countries, such as Indian engineered products. Joining such a trade agreement could harm Indian domestic producers even further. The Indian decision to remain out of the RCEP therefore is the country’s chance to develop its own manufacturing competitiveness, which could lead to India’s emergence as China’s new global rival.

US Presidential Election – What is the Global Outlook? Point of view of Jean-Claude Beaujour

Jean-Claude Beaujour, Vice-President of the France-Americas Foundation and member of the Brigde Tank’s board, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, former French Prime Minister and President of the Prospective and Innovation Foundation, Hubert Védrine, former French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kanwal Sibal, former Indian Ambassador to France, Alexandre Orlov, former Russian Ambassador to France, and André Chieng, President of Asian European Trade, took part in a webinar organised by the Prospective and Innovation Foundation. This event aimed at gathering American, Asian and European perspectives on the American presidential elections and its potential global consequences. This webinar took place on the 20th of November 2020.

Jean-Claude Beaujour argued that the election process and institutions had been respected in the 2020 election. He argued that Joe Biden’s election was mainly due to the support of the democrats, but also due to the handling of the coronavirus crisis by the Republicans as well as a will to not have Donald Trump as President. However, an important part of the American population still supported Donald Trump, which highlights the division of the society. Jean-Claude Beaujour also argued that Joe Biden’s priorities, once he officially becomes President, will be focused on domestic policies rather than changing the transatlantic relations, which will then have to be a European duty.

Biden and the new diplomacy: India will need to recalibrate its strategy to suit changing global realities

Yoginder Alagh, member of the Bridge Tank’s board, wrote an article in the Indian Express entitled “Biden and new diplomacy: India will need to recalibrate its strategy to shifting global realities” on the 18th of November 2020.

In this article, he argued that the Biden presidency’s interactions with the political, environmental and global institutions would have major implications for India, particularly on the natural forests of Kashmir and the rights of Adivasis.

Indian lobby groups are still very active in Washington, whether they’re close to the Democrats (mostly the ones associated to NGOs of minorities) or to Trump supporters (mostly representing Hindutva groups). These lobbyists will play a key role in the representation and defence of Indian interests, in a changing context affecting the Americano-Indian relation as well as India’s place in international relations.

The COVID19 vaccination campaign in Morocco – Point of view of Joël Ruet

Joël Ruet was interviewed on 2MTV about the Moroccan vaccination campaign on the 12th of November 2020. He highlighted that Morocco has been very efficient in its handling of the COVID-19 epidemic since the start, by taking very early economic and lockdown measures. Vaccines, he argued, are the best weapon against this virus, and will help people to protect others, which will reduce and limit the COVID-19’s spread. The clinical study of the effects of this vaccine will also be helpful for the rest of the planet to understand the virus better.

Participation of the Bridge Tank to the T20 Summit of the G20

Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Economics Prize Laureate and Chief Economist at the Roosevelt Institute, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and former President of the Republic of Liberia, Ban Ki-moon, former Secretary General of the United Nations, H. R. H. Prince Turki Al Faisal, Chairman of the King Faisal Foundation’s Centre for Research and Islamic Studies, H. H. Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nouriel Roubini, CEO of Roubini Macro Associates, H. E. Fahad Al Mubarak, Saudi Arabia’s G20 Sherpa, H. E. Bandar Hajjar, President of the Islamic Development Bank, and Helle Thorning-Schmidt, former Prime Minister of Denmark and former CEO of Save the Children, were among the keynote speakers of the T20 Summit. This event was held between the 31st of October and the 1st of November 2020. It gathered over 70 world-leading thinkers, civil society organisations and international institutions, to exchange about climate and environment, women and youth, multilateralism, economic development and finance, sustainable resources, as well as technology and digitalisation. 

This summit was concluding the T20’s research, divided into 11 task forces. The Bridge Tank particularly took part in the work of the second of these task forces, focusing on climate change and environment.

Djellil Bouzidi published an article for the Official Forum of Monetary and Financial Institutions

Djellil Bouzidi, member of the Bridge Tank’s board, wrote with Michael Mainelli an article for the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum entitled “How climate cuffs could save the planet” on the 26th of October 2020.

He recommended sustainability-linked bonds as efficient instruments against climate change, as they are dedicated to “green projects”. Policy performance bonds have also become increasingly popular, as they prioritise targeted outcomes. Djellil Bouzidi also recommended these bonds, as “any policy with clear goals can set an interest rate, percentage of renewable energy generation, carbon prices, forestation, or educational attainment levels”. These instruments have also been accepted by the

European Central Bank. This opens the way for governments to issue policy performance bonds with interest payments linked to the issuing country’s greenhouse gas emissions. The sale of such bonds linked to carbon targets would lead to a convergence of the global carbon price, locally handled clean-up costs and a much smaller need for carbon tariffs.

Participation of the Bridge Tank in the Bund Summit 2020

Charlene Barshefsky, former United States Trade Representative, Lu Feng, Professor at the National School of Development of Peking University, Timothy Geithner, 75th Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, He Jianxiong, former Executive Director for China at the International Monetary Fund, Motoshige Itoh, Professor of International Social Sciences at Gakushuin University, Martin Wolf, Associate Editor and Chief Economics Commentator at the Financial Times, Robert Koopman, Chief Economist at the World Trade Organisation, and Jeff Schott, Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, were among the keynote speakers of the Bund Summit Seminars. This event was divided into two seminars: “China-US relations and global response: trade and technology”, which was chaired by Lu Feng, and “Global asset allocation under the new normal”, which was moderated by Wang Haiming, Secretary-General of the Bund Summit Organising Committee and of the China Finance 40 Forum. The second seminar was divided into two panels, the first one dedicated to “Asset allocation and investment strategies under the new normal after the COVID-19 pandemic” and the second to “Further reform of the capital market and new opportunities for equity investment”.

The Bridge Tank was invited to attend this event, which took place on the 24th and the 25th of October 2020. Over 30 development and finance experts were gathered to intervene in these seminars.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
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