Author: the_bridge_tank

Insights into Emerging Economies n°8 – Perspective on China’s investments and a close-up on clean energy storage in the Global South

Although China’s growth experienced a moderate slowdown in 2015, its foreign investment on the other hand soared. Officially set up in December 2015, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is showing the Asian giant’s firm intention to move away from a strategy based on mass production towards a logic of enhancing its capital both regionally and globally. The Bridge Tank deciphers this new power of investment.

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Our take on the Low Emission Solutions Conference – COP 22

Download the full report here.

This report details the discussions and conclusions at the LESC conference from November 14th to 16th as part of the COP22 in Marrakesh. The report is meant to be a collection of data, quotes, and viewpoints put forth by the speakers and panelists over this three-day period. In addition, we have added our own analysis and evaluation throughout the document, which is meant to help connect the different ideas presented. The LESC conference was intended as a workshop over solutions to reach the objectives of the Paris Agreement. It was thus action-oriented, with panel discussions intermixed with presentations on different innovations potentially critical in reaching said goals. As this was the COP of “action”, this was an appropriate format, and should provide policymakers with plenty of options in planning their own pathways to drastically lower emissions.

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The Bridge Tank is invited to the launch of the Hydrogen Council at the 2017 Davos Forum

On the 17th of January 2017,  the Hydrogen Council was launched as part of the Davos Forum, inaugurated by Dominic Waughray, Senior Director and Head of Environmental Initiatives of the World Economic Forum. The Bridge Tank, the only think tank to be invited to the event, was represented by out president Joël Ruet. Raphaël Schoentgen, board member and also Chief Technology Officer of Engie, was also present. This meeting was the first of its kind and at its level held to discuss challenges and opportunities ahead for hydrogen technologies. Among the influencers and CEOs present were Bertrand Picard, Chairman of Solar Impulse, as well as the CEOs of Total, Air Liquide, Kawasaki, Shell, Toyota, Linde, BMW, Engie, Daimler, Honda, Hyundai.

The first global initiative of its kind, the ‘Hydrogen Council’ aims to position hydrogen among the key solutions of the energy transition. Hydrogen, a versatile energy carrier with favorable characteristics, does not release any CO2 at the point of use as a clean fuel or energy source, rendering it therefore an important player in the transition to a clean, low-carbon, energy system. Hydrogen technologies and products have significantly progressed over past years and are now being introduced to the market. The Council will work with, and provide recommendations to, a number of key stakeholders such as policy makers, business and hydrogen players, international agencies and civil society to achieve these goals.

During the launch, members of the ‘Hydrogen Council’ confirmed their ambition to accelerate their significant investment in the development and commercialization of the hydrogen and fuel cell sectors. These investments currently amount to an estimated total value of €1.4 Bn/year*. This acceleration will only be possible if the key stakeholders increase their backing of hydrogen as part of the future energy mix with appropriate policies and supporting schemes.

The Bridge Tank at COP21

The Bridge Tank team participated in a series of events during COP21, from a meeting at the French Senate with Moroccan Environment Minister Hakima el Haite on the position of developing countries, to the “COP of Solutions,” to the publication of a study at the Cercle Interallié that was conducted by The Bridge Tank for the French National Institute of Intellectual Property. These events took place between November 30 and December 12, 2015. For the first time in the history of the COPs, simultaneously with the Paris Agreements and the official discussions, a solutions forum was open to companies, influencers, researchers and think tanks.

Joël Ruet, President of the Bridge Tank and Guillaume Henry, member of the Bridge Tank’s steering committee, presented a report for the French National Institute of Intellectual Property (INPI) at the Cercle Interallié. This report proposes ways to accelerate the transfer of green technologies and know-how from large multinationals to Southern countries. Also, the Bridge Tank presented the results of its work with the Institute for Sustainable Mobility of the Renault Foundation. Avenues for a resilient agriculture in Brazil and West Africa, including carbon capture by soils, were presented. In addition, this subject was the subject of a thesis that the Bridge Tank co-produced with the EHESS and the Ecole des Ponts. This topic is of particular importance to French President François Hollande, as well as to French government spokesman and Minister of Agriculture Stéphane Le Foll.

Other topics of discussion were the development of electric mobility and the acceleration of the greening of the energy mix of large countries such as China.

Summary of Side Event “Structuring New Markets Linked to Climate Change: South-South Business Models for After the COP22”

The Side Event “Structuring New Markets Linked to Climate Change: South-South Business Models for After the COP22”  was organized in the Green Zone of the COP22 on November 16, 2016. The speakers included: Thomas Eymond-Laritaz, Director – APCO Global Solutions (Moderator); Abdeldjellil Bouzidi, Economist, Manager at Emena Advisory, Member of the Public Statistics Authority (France); Catherine Girard, Expert Leader, Energy and Commodities Strategy, Renault; Joël Ruet, Chairman – The Bridge Tank.

This side event, introduced by Thomas Eymond-Laritaz, provided an opportunity to discuss the impact of climate change and the COP21 and COP22 on the economic and industrial sectors. A particular focus was the perspective of innovative business models created in the South-South dynamic. The idea was to anticipate future opportunities, reflect on the structuring of new and green industrial ecosystems, and examine the financial tools that will enable progress in these two areas.


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Marrakesh – World Climate Summit at COP22

The Bridge Tank team was invited to attend the World Climate Summit, organized on the sidelines of the COP22 on Sunday, November 13th at the Palm Plaza Hotel in Marrakech. Continue reading “Marrakesh – World Climate Summit at COP22”

Marrakech – Side Event COP22 “How to Financially Boost a ‘Green Greenfield’?”

On November 10th, the Bridge Tank participated in an event organized by the Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy (MASEN) as part of the COP 22. The event presented recommendations to address the financial challenges of green greenfield.

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Summary of the side-event « Innovation 360°: The Crossroads of Reflection and Innovation at the COP 22 »

The Side-Event « Innovation 360°: The Crossroads of Reflection and Innovation at the COP 22 », organized by the Bridge Tank, was held in the Africa Pavilion (located in the Blue Zone of COP22) on November 7th 2016.

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COP22 in Marrakech: “What innovations to face climate change?

On 16th November The Bridge Tank organised in the COP22 in Marrakech a conference whose topic was: “What innovations to face climate change? The President of the Bridge Tank Joël Ruet moderated this conference accompanied by Jasmine Zerinini, former French diplomat and member of the Bridge Tank and Chatham House steering committee. The keynote speakers were Wang Yao, Secretary General of China’s Standing Committee on Climate Finance, Daniel Kammen, Special Envoy of U.S. Secretary John Kerry, Ajay Mathur (Executive Director, TERI-The Energy and Resources Institute).

The conference identified the best practices in adapting models to developing countries, mobilizing resources, and providing incentives for regulation. In addition, it promoted South-South co-innovation, the capitalization of intellectual property and know-how for innovative models around local ecosystems. Finally, the forum highlighted the value of behavioral and civic innovation on human capital, education and the valorization of intangible capital for public policies of inclusive deployment of green technologies.

From November 7 to November 18, 2016, The COP22 took place in Marrakech, Morocco. This year, the forum dealt with the following themes: North/South financing, the issue of loss and damage as well as specific issues of the African continent such as adaptation and agriculture. The objectives of this international meeting were numerous (defining the rules of transparency to limit the emission of greenhouse gases, financing the 100 billion dollars/year, rethinking agriculture (AAA – Adaptation of African Agriculture, take stock of the environmental progress), however, the practical executions of many resolutions still remain unclear, particularly, the issue of the financing of 100 billion dollars every year by 2020 from the most polluting countries towards developing countries. Currently, only 16% of climate financing is dedicated to adaptation (even though Germany, Sweden, Italy and Belgium have pledged $81 million in new contributions to the Adaptation Fund).

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
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