Category: Green Finance

The Bridge Tank at COP22 : Programme of our Side-Events

The COP 22 marks the beginning of a new cycle of COPs: COPs of action. For all stakeholders, today’s challenge is to identify the tools that will permit the implementation of the commitments made last December. Thus, this will also be the COP of innovation: innovative ideas, tools, and solutions. This is why we are organising multiple side events in Marrakesh on the sidelines of the COP 22, as a part of our InnovaCOP initiative, a platform of action and interaction for innovation. Continue reading “The Bridge Tank at COP22 : Programme of our Side-Events”

Insights into Emerging Economies n°7 : Moving Towards Sustainable and Concrete Solutions for the South

The green light from the European Union for the ratification of the Paris Agreement has just been given. This is good news after 62 states have already ratified the text, including China, India, and Morocco. And an assurance that we will see the December 2015 agreement enter into force.

Continue reading “Insights into Emerging Economies n°7 : Moving Towards Sustainable and Concrete Solutions for the South”

Inaugural Dinner for the Launch of the InnovaCOP Platform in the Presence of Madam Minister El Haite

On September 28th, The Bridge Tank organized a dinner to launch the InnovaCOP platform at the Maison des Polytechniciens, in the heart of the 7th Arrondissement of Paris. Ms. Hakima El Haite, Deputy Minister of the Environment in Morocco, was present at the event, which brought together several renowned guests: presidents and representatives of foundations, members of the management team of companies, investment funds, lawyers, and experts. Continue reading “Inaugural Dinner for the Launch of the InnovaCOP Platform in the Presence of Madam Minister El Haite”

Green Economy: An Opportunity for Youth Employment

“In a context of global environmental challenges, solutions toward a Green Economy can provide a employment opportunities for the global youth. Besides experts proposals, democratic discussion among the youth can provide lively and rich with ideas, based on as many stories of successful sustainable development projects to be shared among delegates from across the world…”

Read this OpEd by Dakhla 4th International Youth Forum Collective with Sara Bentefrit (Morocco), Molly Mamaril (Hawaii, USA), Joël Ruet (France) on

Insights into Emerging Economies n°6 – Toward the COP22 of action

Last week, delegates from 195 member countries of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) gathered in Bonn, Germany, to operationalize the agreement reached in Paris. The Bonn meeting aims to prepare the upcoming event held in Marrakech, which will be the phase of concrete actions.

Continue reading “Insights into Emerging Economies n°6 – Toward the COP22 of action”

For a COP22 of action, for a permanent stakeholder’s forum

As the COP22 conference draws closer, most of the actors are getting impatient: everyone is waiting for the COP of action, from industry to civil society and the Moroccan presidency of the COP22 itself.  In this Op-ed published in L’opinion on the 10thof June 2016 , Joel Ruet (Chairman of the Bridge Tank), Adam Thiam (former chief of staff of the African Union president) and Matthieu Wemaëre (Lawyer, Peru’s adviser for the COP20 and Morocco’s advisor for the COP21) advocate for two operational tools. The first one has already been suggested by Morocco: the calibration of available information. They suggest a second one: to create a permanent stakeholder’s forum. Read more in French

Abu Dhabi – A “Green Week” in the United Arab Emirates

The Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week, organized by Masdar from the 16th to 23rd January 2016, brought more than 32,000 participants from over 170 countries.  Over years, the event has become nothing less in importance than the “Davos of energy”. This edition, coming as post-COP21, additionally whistled the real kick-off for the deployment of renewable energy. Continue reading “Abu Dhabi – A “Green Week” in the United Arab Emirates”

Paris COP21 – The Bridge Tank contributes to a report on sustainable development and intellectual property

On the occasion of the COP21, on 8 December, Joël Ruet, President of The Bridge Tank, and intellectual property lawyer Guillaume Henry presented the report “Sustainable Development and Intellectual Property: Access to Technologies in Emerging Countries” at the Cercle de l’Union Interalliée.

In his presentation, Joël Ruet indicated that “the sites of specialisation are nowadays more and more temporary. This is the great lesson of emergence: the idea of specialisation, the ‘great economic idea’ that has been the basis of trade theory since the end of the 19th century, is becoming, if not moribund, at least dangerous for an economic territory. By the time specialisation is established, the industry has already changed. It is therefore important to promote a potential for rapid redeployment. It is a question of fertilising the diversity of the territories. This could be a role for the state.

Read the report here in french 

Paris – From the “pro-mitigation COP” to the “pro-adaptation COP”

In the lead up to COP21, The Bridge Tank’s president Joël Ruet attended a dinner at the French Senate with Mrs Hakima El Haité, Minister Delegate in Charge of Environment in Morocco, where COP22 will be hosted in 2016 and, in her words, “continue the line of COP21”. Continue reading “Paris – From the “pro-mitigation COP” to the “pro-adaptation COP””

A Convenient Climate Justice : India’s Ambiguous Position

A Convenient Climate Justice : India’s Ambiguous Position

As the COP21 conference draws closer, India is refusing to follow the open position of China and provide figures on emissions declines. The Environment Minister of India, Prakash Javadekar, admitted that the government’s priority right now is on electricity access and poverty reduction, even though 13 of the 20 most polluted cities in the world are in India. That being said, India’s willingness to modernise its industry and increase the energy potential matched the spirit of the sustainable development goals in some ways, since the country has the ambition to obtain a solar energy capacity of 100GW by 2022. Read more in Frenchin that editorial of Joël Ruet and Sophia Semlali, published in Telos on the 9thof December 2015.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
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