Category: Events-reports

Beijing – The dynamics of Innovation, Think20-G20 Summit

The Bridge Tank joined the works of the G20-related Think 20 Summit and T20 Innovation Forum held by the China Science and Technology Exchange Center that will take place on July 30 in Beijing with the theme “Towards a Collaborative, Inclusive and Dynamic Global Environment”.

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Davos – The Bridge Tank champions the Global South’s role in the Fourth Revolution

At the 2016 Davos World Economic Forum in Switzerland, some 2,800 attendees took the opportunity to discuss the challenges raised by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The Bridge Tank was there and quick to point out that this fledgling revolution was not the prerogative of the Global North. Continue reading “Davos – The Bridge Tank champions the Global South’s role in the Fourth Revolution”

Insights into Emerging Economies n°6 – Toward the COP22 of action

Last week, delegates from 195 member countries of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) gathered in Bonn, Germany, to operationalize the agreement reached in Paris. The Bonn meeting aims to prepare the upcoming event held in Marrakech, which will be the phase of concrete actions.

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IDLO Forum: Achieving Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2063: The Rule of Law as an Engine for Africa’s Sustainable Development

In Dar-es-Salam, IDLO (International Development Law Organization) organized a forum on June 1-2, 2016 on the theme “Achieving Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2063: the Rule of Law as a Driver for Africa’s Sustainable Development” with Tanzanian Foreign Minister Bernard Membe.

Mamadou Lamine Diallo, a member of the Senegalese Parliament, former Central Bank banker and former political chief of staff to the Chairperson of the African Commission, President and co-founder of the West African Parliamentary Coalition for Transparency in Mining, also presented his ideas. As a member of the Bridge Tank’s Policy Board, he was part of the think tank’s delegation led by our President Joël Ruet.

The speakers at the forum recognized that Africa, despite its great wealth and potential, still faces significant development challenges and is undergoing rapid and profound transformation. They concluded that Africa-wide collaboration on strengthening the rule of law will play a key role in achieving global and regional development goals. This would require several changes, including improving the African judicial system and knowledge of jurisprudence, as well as developing a multi-stakeholder discussion among governments, businesses, and civil society actors to combat corruption.

Speakers included Irene Khan, IDLO Executive Director, Judit Arenas, IDLO Secretary General, Paulino Wanawilla, Minister of Justice of Southern Sudan, and Martha Karua, opposition leader and presidential candidate of Kenya.

The Bridge Tank attends the 2016 edition of the Moroccan Brand Conference

On the 27th of May 2016, The Bridge Tank attended the Morrocan Brand Conference. Co-inaugurated by the Morroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs Salaheddine Mezouar and the Minister for International Trade Abdelkader Aamara, our President Joel Ruet stated that, Morrocco being an emerging country, this status strongly influences new options of positioning in terms of exterior communications and attracting investments.

Insights into Emerging Economies n°5 – The emerging countries in the Green Race

Energy, cleantech, climate finance : what place do the emerging countries have in the Green Race?  
South-South business ecosystems are growing and changing the game in an increasingly diversified global order. In the South, energy is one of the key sectors offering opportunities to leapfrog into a transformative growth path for the real economy.

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Insights into Emerging Economies n°4 – Who will drive the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

The Bridge Tank  analyzes the theme of the 2016 Davos Forum and identifies the new emerging economies as being the key to economic diversification. For more on this subject, take a look at our “Insights into Emerging Economies” .

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Insights into Emerging Economies n°3 – Towards new global industrial alliances

This week, The Bridge Tank gives its point of view on COP-21 and the resulting lessons to be learnt. As a preview for the Abu Dhabi “Sustainability Week”, it is vital to understand how environmental issues have managed to spark interest from emerging countries. Download for more information our Insight dedicated to the outcome of COP-21.

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Emerging economies cracked : a matter of economic diversification

On the occasion of COP21, December 8, Joel Ruet, Chairman of The Bridge Tank, and Guillaume Henry, the lawyer entitled Intellectual Property, presented the report “Sustainable Development and Intellectual Property: Access to technologies emerging” at the prestigious Club “Cercle de l’Union Interalliée”.

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Theme: Overlay by Kaira
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