Category: China-India-Africa

Bengaluru – Spirit of Innovation at the 12th India Innovation Summit

Indu Krishnaswamy, from The Bridge Tank attended, the 12th Innovation Summit hosted by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) held on July 28th and 29th. The event was held in Bengaluru, India and was focused on “Celebrating the Entrepreneur”.

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Tangier – MedCOP, towards a mediterranean environmental agenda

The Bridge Tank participated at the MedCOP Climate Conference in Tangier, Morocco on the 18th and 19th of July, as part of the preparations for the COP 22. This year’s MedCOP conference was organised by the regional Council of the Tangier-Tétouan-Al Hoceima, it is the second conference of parties of the coastal states of the Mediterranean on climate change. Joël Ruet and Sophia Semlali of the Bridge Tank attended this event.

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Tangier – Water, a key issue for climate change

The Business Dialogue under the theme “Water and Climate Change” organized by the CGEM (General Confederation of Moroccan Companies) took place in Tangier on July 17. Joel Ruet, chairman of The Bridge Tank, was invited to join the prestigious panel of this event alongside stakeholders working in on water issues from both the public and private sectors.

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Dar Es Salaam – Law, A Driver For Sustainable Development in Africa

On the 1st and 2nd of June, the International Development Law Organisation (IDLO), an agency of the United Nations, will organise the first conference of its’ programme “Achieving the Agenda 2063 and Agenda 2063: The Rule of Law as a Driver for Africa’s Sustainable Development”.  The Bridge Tank, whose president will speak at the conference, will also contribute to this debate on access to justice and the implementation of clear regulations. Continue reading “Dar Es Salaam – Law, A Driver For Sustainable Development in Africa”

Casablanca – The Morocco Brand : Country marketing for the benefit of Morocco’s influence ?

On the 27th of May, The Bridge Tank will be in Casablanca, Morocco to participate at the conference “Country Marketing: Modelling the Morocco Brand” organised by the Amadeus Institute. The conference will discuss the Moroccan development model, its’ intangible capital, and its’ potential for international influence.

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New Delhi – “Smart City Expo” : towards sustainable Indian cities

The second edition of the Smart Cities India Expo was held in New Dehli, India from the 11th to the 13th of May. This event brought together 325 businesses from 40 countries to debate intelligent solutions to be into to develop sustainable cities in India.  Haruki Sawaruma, analyst and researcher for the Observatory of Emerging Economies of The Bridge Tank,  was present at the conference and noticed the maturity of the exchanges and innovation on the subject. 

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Lyon – Morocco-France, a partnership to be strengthened for a co-development dynamic in Africa

The Bridge Tank, which pays particular attention to the development of inclusive growth models in Africa, will participate on the 24th of May at the conference “Economic Cooperation Morocco France: New Partnerships for New Horizons”, organised at the headquarters of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Regional Council.

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Turin – Debating China’s economic transition

For it’s third workshop on the 9th and 10th of Mai, the Observatory of Emerging Economies of Turin is inviting participants to debate the new tools China has chosen to boost its’ economic growth. A session will be dedicated to the new Silk Road, a strategy China chose to extend its’ influence and its’ Eurasian markets.

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Davos – The Bridge Tank champions the Global South’s role in the Fourth Revolution

At the 2016 Davos World Economic Forum in Switzerland, some 2,800 attendees took the opportunity to discuss the challenges raised by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The Bridge Tank was there and quick to point out that this fledgling revolution was not the prerogative of the Global North. Continue reading “Davos – The Bridge Tank champions the Global South’s role in the Fourth Revolution”

The Bridge Tank participates at the France-Morocco meeting at the National Assembly

The Bridge Tank participated in the France-Morocco meeting on 5 July, jointly organised by the France-Morocco Friendship Group of the National Assembly and the Morocco-France Friendship Group of the Moroccan House of Representatives. The event took place at the National Assembly in Paris and focused on the theme “Reforms in Morocco, a bulwark against instability”.

Round tables followed one another and allowed the various speakers to discuss recent reforms and developments in the Kingdom concerning human rights, public freedoms, the development model or the restructuring of the religious field.

A panel of French and Moroccan deputies, senior civil servants, journalists and researchers participated in this day, introduced by Mr. Luc Châtel, President of the France-Morocco Friendship Group, Mrs. Aatimad Zahidi, President of the Morocco-France Friendship Group, and Mr. Chakib Benmoussa, Moroccan Ambassador in France.

Joël Ruet, President of the Bridge Tank, spoke during the round table on the theme “Towards a more sustainable and inclusive development model”. The modification of the country’s economic structure, notably through numerous investments, has indeed enabled the kingdom to grow. It is now a question of making this growth more sustainable and more inclusive, particularly in the context of Morocco’s strong commitment to climate change and the approach of COP22. The Bridge Tank is particularly interested in new models of growth and inclusive development in Africa

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
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