COP 28 – The Bridge Tank’s takeaways from Dubai 20 December 2023 Since 2015 and COP21 in Paris, The Bridge Tank's presence at the Conference of Parties has become an annual opportunity for our think tank to contribute to public debate on climate action and sustainable development. This year's COP28 in Dubai, UAE, was no exception, as Joel Ruet, Chairman of The… Lire la suite
Seeking peace in a time of rising tensions – A The Bridge Tank & CGTN Dialogue co-production 5 December 2023 During last month’s Paris Peace Forum, The Bridge Tank guest-co-produced a special edition CGTN's flagship talk show Dialogue discussing peace and international cooperation in a context of rising global tensions, echoing the theme of this year's forum: “Seeking common ground in a world of rivalry.” The conversation explored the nature… Lire la suite
Summit of Minds 2023: Technological revolution, geopolitics, & sustainable finance 12 October 2023 From 15-17 September 2023, the mountain air of the French Alps fuelled creative minds and change makers from around the world who gathered for this year’s Summit of Minds “Stretching Minds – Inspiring Change” in Chamonix. Two of these brilliant minds in attendance were The Bridge Tank’s very own Djellil… Lire la suite
Concordia Europe Summit: European sovereignty, energy security & transatlantic relations 21 June 2023 On 15-16 June 2023, prominent decision makers from across Europe and the world gathered in Madrid, Spain for the 2023 Concordia Europe Summit. Two days of high-level closed-door conversations on the theme of Democracy, Security & Geopolitical Risk addressed some of the most pressing issues facing Europe, including cyber and… Lire la suite
T7 Japan Summit – A call for greater collaboration with the Global South and between G7 & G20 14 June 2023 With Japan presiding over the G7 in 2023, the organisation's Think 7 (T7) engagement group with think tanks met in Tokyo from 27-28 April 2023 for its yearly summit, just three weeks before the G7 summit in Hiroshima from 19-21 May. Addressing Crises, Reigniting Sustainable Development, Bridging the G7 and… Lire la suite
The Bridge Tank partners with the Technology for Change Days 2023 of École Polytechnique 9 May 2023 From April 4 to 6, the Technology for Change Days 2023 were held in Paris, organized by the Chair "Technology for Change" of École Polytechnique. Joël Ruet, President, The Bridge Tank, spoke at the Opening Conference on April 4, in a session on water access and the preservation of water… Lire la suite
The Fouta Djallon Highlands: A call to action & a roadmap for preservation presented at the United Nations 25 April 2023 The Fouta Djallon Highlands – the water tower of West Africa – are dying. These forested highlands in Guinea are home to the headwaters of some of West Africa's largest rivers, e.g. the Senegal River, the Gambia River, and the Niger River. This jewel of nature provides water to a… Lire la suite
CGTN – Joel Ruet discusses China-EU relations and Chinese growth during Boao Forum 2023 8 April 2023 During this year's Boao Forum for Asia 2023, Joel Ruet, President of The Bridge Tank, spoke with CGTN on three occasions, discussing Chinese PM Li Qiang's speech during the forum and sharing his insights on current dynamics in EU-China relations. In a first interview, Joel Ruet shared his analysis of… Lire la suite
The Bridge Tank at BOAO Forum for Asia 2023: Advancing EU-China cooperation and energy transitions 6 April 2023 From 28 to 31 March 2023, The Bridge Tank, represented by its president Joël Ruet, took part in the BOAO Forum for Asia 2023, in Boao, Hainan, China. The Bridge Tank has taken part in the annual meeting of the "Chinese Davos" as a partner of the event since 2018.… Lire la suite
Hydro-diplomacy: Proceedings of our side event at the UN 2023 Water Conference 5 April 2023 During the UN 2023 Water Conference in New York, The Bridge Tank and Initiatives for the Future of Great River coorganized an official side event on hydro-diplomacy “Towards an inclusive, pre-emptive, and positive hydro-diplomacy”, on March 23rd. Here is a deep dive into the discussions and insights shared during the… Lire la suite
UN 2023 Water Conference: The Bridge Tank & IFGR hold a side event on hydro-diplomacy 28 March 2023 On 23 March, Day 2 of the UN 2023 Water Conference in New York, The Bridge Tank and Initiatives for the Future of Great Rivers (IFGR) coorganised an official side event on hydro-diplomacy "Towards an inclusive, pre-emptive, and positive hydro-diplomacy." The side event's partner organisation included the French Water Partnership,… Lire la suite
G20/Business 20: Second meeting of the B20 India Task Force on Energy, Climate Change & Resource Efficiency 15 March 2023 The Bridge Tank’s presence in New Delhi, India, for the CII Partnership Summit 2023 from 13-15 March saw Joel Ruet, President, The Bridge Tank, take part in the second meeting of the B20 India Task Force Energy, Climate Change & Resource Efficiency. As a member of the task force, The… Lire la suite
G20/Business 20 : The Bridge Tank takes part in the B20 India Inception Meeting 17 February 2023 After Indonesia’s tenure in 2022, the turn of the year saw India assume the presidency of the G20 for 2023. From 22 to 24 January 2023, the city of Gandhinagar in Gujarat, India, hosted the Inception Meeting of the Business 20 (B20) Engagement Group of the G20 to discuss the… Lire la suite
The Bridge Tank’s Davos Innovation Lunch 2023 : Fostering cooperation on biosecurity during the World Economic Forum 9 February 2023 On the last day of this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos and for the third edition in a row, The Bridge Tank held its now traditional "Innovation Lunch" on Davos' Promenade, partnering with our board member Judit Arenas, APCO Worldwide, and the San Diego-based biotechnology company Illumina to discuss… Lire la suite
Davos 2023: The Bridge Tank’s takeaways from the World Economic Forum 3 February 2023 The third week of 2023 saw the world gather once again for the World Economic Forum in Davos. From January 16th to 20th, political, economic, and civil society leaders from around the globe met in the Swiss Alps to discuss the economic future of our world.This year's focus on “Cooperation… Lire la suite
Hydro-diplomacy: The Bridge Tank launches the World Water for Peace Conference 19 December 2022 Since the year 2000, the share of conflicts over transboundary freshwater resources has been on the rise. Simultaneously, the rate of institutionalising cooperation, i.e. treaties and river basin organisations, has been declining, which the UN processes exemplify.Fortunately, ideas, tools, and initiatives developed by practitioners and thinkers from the field are… Lire la suite
Rethinking Hydro-Diplomacy: The Bridge Tank holds a high-level panel on the side of the UN-Water Summit on Groundwater 2022 8 December 2022 On December 6th, 2022, The Bridge Tank held a high level panel discussion on hydro-diplomacy in Paris, on the side of the UN-Water Summit on Groundwater 2022, coordinated by UNESCO. This event was placed under the high patronage of: Mrs. Irina Bokova Co-chair of the International Science Council’s Global Commission… Lire la suite
COP 27: Advances on loss and damage but no breakthrough on climate finance despite a strong West African involvement 25 November 2022 The fear of ending COP 27 without any significant advances was looming over Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, in the dying hours of this year’s United Nations Climate Change Conference. But after a final negotiations marathon between the parties, a deal was eventually struck. The agreement which concluded two weeks of discussions… Lire la suite
COP 27: From Distrust to Trust: Towards a balanced, empowered North-South blended climate finance for mitigation and adaptation 18 November 2022 As COP 27 slowly draws to a close, The Bridge Tank continues its efforts in favour of climate justice in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.On Thursday, November 17th, 2022, The Bridge Tank and Liberal International joined forces to organise a side event on climate finance - “Towards a balanced, empowered, North-South… Lire la suite
An eventful first week at COP 27 in Sharm el Sheikh for our board member Hakima El Haite 15 November 2022 The first week of the COP 27 in Sharm El Sheikh saw the world gather in the Egyptian coastal city to exchange on the many pressing issues of the world’s environmental crisis. One of those leaders taking part in the discussions and the seeking out of concrete solutions to combat… Lire la suite