Category: Global Governance

Joel Ruet and irina Bokova of The Bridge Tank speak at the BOAO Forum 2019

The Boao Forum 2019 took place between the 26th and the 29th March, themed: ‘Shared Future, Concerted Action, Common Development’. The Opening Plenary Session was held by the Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang, who highlighted the importance of a mutually beneficial cooperation in the face of world economic headwinds. He added that China would not resort to massive economic stimulus to boost growth, but would continue to open up and innovate to energize market players and strengthen endogenous stimulation for economic development.

The Bridge Tank has been a partner of the forum since 2018, and was this year represented by president Joël Ruet, who took part in several key events:

  • Panelist at the session titled: ‘The Future of the Sharing Economy’, moderated by Lu Binbin, founder of BinBinBang and producer of E-Talking. Other panelists included Yunfeng Bai, President of the Tal Education Group, Kelvin Chen, co-founder and CEO of, Marsha Ma, Vice-President and Managing Director of China, Ming Maa, President of Grab, and Mi Wenjuan, Founder and CEO of VIPKID.
  • Attended a closed door session organized by Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang and former UNSG Ban-ki-moon.
  • Interviewed on several occasions by Chinese and international press, notably on the midday show of the national channel CGTN. Other guests included Jean-Pierre Raffarin, former French Prime Minister, and Xu Tiebing, Professor at the Communication University of China.
  • Attended the ‘She Economy’ roundtable, organized by famous newscaster Lu Binbin. Ruet was the only foreign delegate to be invited to this discussion between Chinese CEOs and business owners.
  • Irina Bokova, former Director-General of UNESCO and The Bridge Tank board member also attended the forum, taking part notably in two panels: ‘A Sustainable Future for Rural Asia and Cities’ and the roundtable: ‘The Power of Women and the Value of Balance’.

The Bridge Tank attends the 2019 Davos Forum

Between the 22nd and the 25th of January 2019, the World Economic Forum held its annual meeting in Davos. It gathered experts and personalities around the theme “Globalisation 4.0: creating a global architecture at the age of the fourth industrial revolution”. The Bridge Tank was represented by its chairman Joël Ruet and its board member Pranjal Sharma, advisor at the Davos WEF and contributing editor at Business Standard and Business World. Pranjal Sharma discussed with Klaus Schwab, creator of the Forum, about his book “Kranti Nation”.

Joël Ruet attends the Hope Foundation Annual Gala Dinner in New York, chaired by Irina Bokova

During the United Nations’ General Assembly in New York, between the 25th September and the 5th October 2018, Joël Ruet attended the annual Hope Foundation Dinner Gala on the 27th of September.

The Foundation, chaired by Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO and member of the Bridge Tank’s board, awarded Niger’s President Mahamadou Issoufou a prize for his actions to maintain security in the Sahelian region and integrate different ethnicities and communities in the national governance of Niger.

The Bridge Tank delegation contributes to the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation 2018 edition in Beijing

The Heads of States Forum on China-Africa Cooperation took place the 3rd and 4th of September 2018.

The Bridge Tank was represented by its chairman Joël Ruet and two of its associate experts, William Nkontchou, Director at Emerging Capital Partners and Member of Choiseul Africa, and Zhang Yang, expert on China-Europe-Africa cooperation. They took part in the high-level discussion between Chinese – African leaders and business communities, notably with leaders of the most prominent China-Africa Funds, discussing Chinese investments in Africa and Chinese loans to Africa, as well as the lack of equity investment on the continent by Chinese companies

Joël Ruet also took part in the official program of the national television channel CGTN on that occasion, and exchanged with Yang Rui, in CGTN most sought after Policy show, « Dialogue ».

Our Board member, Minister Hamed Semega, High Commissionner of the OMVS, the riverine international organization of the Senegal River Basin, was also present as part of the official delegation.

Joël Ruet intervenes at the 2018 edition of the annual BOAO forum inaugurated by Xi Jinping and UNSG Antonio Guterres

Joel Ruet of The Bridge Tank was invited to participate in the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2018 (the “Chinese Davos”) that was held between April 8 and 11 and was entitled “An Open and Innovative Asia for a World of Greater Prosperity”.  The forum was inaugurated by the President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping and the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres.  

Xi Jinping announced that China would lower its import tariffs and introduced the first China International Import Expo, scheduled to take place in Shanghai in November 2018. He called it a demonstration of the Chinese will to open up the Chinese market. Xi also declared that China would strengthen its protection of intellectual property rights, which would play a strong role in “enhancing the competitiveness of the Chinese economy”. Finally, the Chinese president also encouraged technology exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and foreign enterprises. 


António Guterres underlined the numerous benefits which followed globalisation, but also warned against the ever-growing threat of climate change, always “moving faster than us”. Guterres reminded the audience that the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development outlined 17 sustainable goals in order to fight global warming. Guterres added that forums such as this one were key elements in the fight against climate change, as it encouraged productive discussions to find and develop solutions.

Joël Ruet also took part in a conference on the relation between China and India. Among the other keynote speakers of this event were Ratan Tata, former head of the Tata Group, and Chen Deming, former Chinese Minister of Commerce who took part in the negotiations for China’s WTO entry.

Joël Ruet speaks at the 20th edition of the Symi Symposium dedicated to ‘Harnessing globalization’

Between the 1st and the 4h of July 2018, the 20th International Symi Symposium took place in Rhodes, Greece. Centered around George Papandreou, former Prime Minister of Greece and current President of the Socialist International and organized by the Andreas Papandreou Foundation, the symposium gathers every year leading intellectuals, politicians, Nobel laureates, entrepreneurs, diplomats, scientists, and activists to debate on current issues. Among the keynote speakers of this forum was Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. 

Joël Ruet intervened in a panel along with the former Bosnian Prime Minister Zlatko Lagumdzija, who is also a member of the Club de Madrid.

T20/G20 Policy Brief : Innovative Green-Technology SMEs as an Opportunity to Promote Financial De-Risking

By Joël Ruet(The Bridge Tank and CNRS-CEPN), Elena Verdolini(FEEM and CMCC), Céline Bak(CIGI and Analytica Advisors),  Anbumozhi Venkatachalam(ERIA)

“We recommend that the G20 target innovative green-technology SMEs as an opportunity to promote financial de-risking while addressing Paris Agreement commitments and UN Sustainable Development Goals. This should be achieved by creating signals for private investors through: (1) a reporting system that can help monitor the scale-up of green-technology SMEs; (2) the use of public funds to signal innovative green-technology SMEs to investors; and (3) the inclusion of SMEs in the design of green finance platforms. By implementing these recommendations, the G20 will ensure that innovative, low- carbon SMEs become attractive, low(er)-risk investment opportunities for the private sector.” Read more …

The Bridge Tank signs a cooperation agreement with the BOAO Forum

On the 23rd of May 2018, The Bridge Tank and the Boao Forum, often referred to as the “Chinese Davos”, signed a cooperation partnership. The Forum, chaired by the former United Nations Ban Ki-Moon, was represented by its Secretary General Li Baodong, former special envoy of Xi Jinping.

This partnership established a cooperation in the context of the Boao Forum’s globalisation, especially regarding events in partnership in Europe and Africa.

What to take away from this years’ African Think Tank Summit

On the 9th and the 10th of May 2018, the African Think Tanks Summit, organized by the OCP policy Centre, took place in Rabat, Morocco, on the theme of “Deepening Expertise and Enhancing Sustainability: Insight into Contemporary Challenges Facing African Think Tanks”. Among the subjects discussed were the role of think tanks in driving the African diaspora and building an inclusive policy dialogue, as well as the role of the media and the press in propelling the African agendas. Our chairman Joël Ruet attended along with representants of over fifty think tanks.

Among the keynote speakers were the former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, the Ambassador Director General of the Morocco Agency for International Cooperation (AMCI) Mohamed Methqal, the Director of the OCP Policy Centre Karim El Aynaoui and the Moroccan Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China Aziz Mekouar.

The Bridge Tank participates in the 2018 Horasis Global Meeting

Between the 5th and the 8th of May 2018, the Horasis Global Meeting was held in Cascais, Portugal. It was inaugurated by its founder and chairman Frank Jürgen-Richter, former right-hand man of the creator of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab.  

The Bridge Tank takes part every year in the Horasis Meeting, as well as in the Horasis China Meeting and the Horasis India Meeting. In 2018, the think tank was represented by Joël Ruet and a member of the Bridge Tank’s board, Pranjal Sharma, advisor at the Davos World Economic Forum and contributing editor to Business Standard & Business World.

One of the keynote speakers was Brice Lalonde, former French Minister of the Environment and Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. He notably discussed with Rajendra K. Pachauri, former president of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Chairman of The Energy and Resources Institute. They were both speakers in a panel entitled: “Be Inspired – Tackling Climate Change”.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
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