The Bridge Tank delegation contributes to the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation 2018 edition in Beijing

The Heads of States Forum on China-Africa Cooperation took place the 3rd and 4th of September 2018.

The Bridge Tank was represented by its chairman Joël Ruet and two of its associate experts, William Nkontchou, Director at Emerging Capital Partners and Member of Choiseul Africa, and Zhang Yang, expert on China-Europe-Africa cooperation. They took part in the high-level discussion between Chinese – African leaders and business communities, notably with leaders of the most prominent China-Africa Funds, discussing Chinese investments in Africa and Chinese loans to Africa, as well as the lack of equity investment on the continent by Chinese companies

Joël Ruet also took part in the official program of the national television channel CGTN on that occasion, and exchanged with Yang Rui, in CGTN most sought after Policy show, « Dialogue ».

Our Board member, Minister Hamed Semega, High Commissionner of the OMVS, the riverine international organization of the Senegal River Basin, was also present as part of the official delegation.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
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