Category: Columns and media

How Eastern Europe’s Right Deprived the World from Its First Female UN Secretary-General

“As a Western European male and a Socialist, I should incidentally be very pleased with the election of Antonio Guterres as the next UN Secretary-General.After all Mr. Guterres is a seasoned diplomat, who masters several languages, and was able to gain the support of all the Security Councilmembers ,not a benign result at times when some commentators are talking of a new cold war. Hence, my full-hearted congratulations! (…) But (…) it is more relevant to analyse the election from the consciously acquired, diligently nurtured, perspective of a gender-friendly, universalist, world citizen rather than that of the accidental male I am.”

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On Europe, the UN Security Council and the race for next UN-SG

The UN Security Council vote on Friday and the events of this weekend have suddenly turned the UN Secretary-General election from a marathon race into a sprint finish, with more twists and turns to come. Contrary to Ban Ki-moon’s election ten years ago, the race remains vivid. But the running league of candidates seems to be now consolidating, put aside some -hopefully ephemeral- confusion that has arisen this weekend in Eastern Europe, the legitimate region of origin of the next UN-SG…”

Read this OpEd written by Joel Ruet in The Diplomatic Courier on

Green Economy: An Opportunity for Youth Employment

“In a context of global environmental challenges, solutions toward a Green Economy can provide a employment opportunities for the global youth. Besides experts proposals, democratic discussion among the youth can provide lively and rich with ideas, based on as many stories of successful sustainable development projects to be shared among delegates from across the world…”

Read this OpEd by Dakhla 4th International Youth Forum Collective with Sara Bentefrit (Morocco), Molly Mamaril (Hawaii, USA), Joël Ruet (France) on

Africa Wants its Own, West-free, Path to Development

“At the 27thsummit of the African Union (AU), which took place in Kigali on the 17thand 18thof July, as a first,the AU’s invited none of its partners: France, the United States, the United Kingdom, China, the European Union, had to read the press… This was neither an oversight nor an anecdotal absence, but another sign that Africa intends to gather together to work towards its economic sovereignty…” Read More

Mrs. UN Secretary General : The Final Race Ticks In

This year’s election process for the position of the next UN Secretary General is by far the most open and transparent in the UN’s history following 70 years of closed-door negotiating and secretive lobbying. On Tuesday for the first time, ten out of twelve candidates took part in two televised debates where they unfolded their visions for the future of the UN and set out their plans to tackle the numerous challenges the organization faces today (…). It does seem that it is the year of woman -at least as far as the election is concerned- and the four candidates that clearly came on top were all women : Irina Bokova, Helen Clark, Christiana Figueres and Susana Malcorra. Read more …

COP 22 in Morocco : African solutions for Africa and the world ?

Morocco just announced its three top priorities for COP22, inviting partner countries to join the “Triple A” initiative : “Adaptation, Agriculture, Africa”. For the three co-authors of this OpEd published inJeune Afriqueon the 2nd of June, The initiative appears to be a major step although it has not been headlined by the media. It is the opinion of Joel Ruet, economist in the CNRS and Chairman of The Bridge Tank, Adam Thiam, former Chief of Staff to the African Union commission president and Matthieu Wemaëre, lawyer and adviser to Peru’s government for COP20, and to Morocco’s government for COP21. They believe it holds a promise of tangible, concrete and quick solution, and explain why.

Read the Op-Ed in French

Emerging economies cracked : a matter of economic diversification

On the occasion of COP21, December 8, Joel Ruet, Chairman of The Bridge Tank, and Guillaume Henry, the lawyer entitled Intellectual Property, presented the report “Sustainable Development and Intellectual Property: Access to technologies emerging” at the prestigious Club “Cercle de l’Union Interalliée”.

Continue reading “Emerging economies cracked : a matter of economic diversification”

The African Way to Emerge : The Vision of the Elites

Despite growth rates that are close to Asian levels, Africa continues to draw doubts from experts, who point to various structural problems. African elites are conscious of the challenges, but promote a positive vision focused on solutions and opportunities. Mohamed Soual (Chief Economist of Moroccan’s leading industrial company), Mamadou Lamine Diallo (Senegal Member of Parliament) and Joël Ruet (Chairman of the Bridge Tank) join voices in this column published in Le Monde Afrique on the 3rdof November 2015. These three authors analyse the African issues and economical challenges, with a specific focus on green revolution potential, local and regional cooperation, and mining and energy sectors incomes:. Read the text in French…

Emerging Africa : Under Which Conditions ?

It’s Africa’s turn to emerge according to experts. But according to those external voices, it will only happen provided that the continent enhances its natural resources. In this column published in Le Monde on the 13th of October 2015, Joel Ruet and El Hadj Kassé (Minister-Counselor to the President of Senegal) believe that the conditions are quite different than the picture being painted by these experts. They advocate for inclusive growth in Africa, with qualitative investment in people and internal and sustainable dynamics, which will enable these countries to move away from sole reliance on natural resources income. Read the text in French

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