Category: China-India-Africa

The Bridge Tank attends the 2019 Davos Forum

Between the 22nd and the 25th of January 2019, the World Economic Forum held its annual meeting in Davos. It gathered experts and personalities around the theme “Globalisation 4.0: creating a global architecture at the age of the fourth industrial revolution”. The Bridge Tank was represented by its chairman Joël Ruet and its board member Pranjal Sharma, advisor at the Davos WEF and contributing editor at Business Standard and Business World. Pranjal Sharma discussed with Klaus Schwab, creator of the Forum, about his book “Kranti Nation”.

The Bridge Tank attends the 62nd Congress of the Liberal International with Presidents Ouatara and Sall of Ivory Coast and Senegal

The Liberal International 62nd Congress took place between the 28th and the 30th of November 2018 in Dakar, Senegal.  

On this occasion, amongst the keynote speakers present were African presidents and heads of state members of the Liberal International, including the President of Ivory Coast Alassane Ouattara, the Senegalese President Macky Sall and the exiting chairman of the Liberal International Juli Minoves. They discussed the expansion of the Liberal International in other African countries and the limitations of presidential mandates and rewriting of constitutions. President Ouattara encouraged his Senegalese counterpart to follow his example, repeating his promise not to candidate again at the end of his second mandate, arguing that the two mandates limitation was a key element to maintaining democracy in Africa. President Sall acknowledged this statement whilst reminding his audience that legally the amendment of the Senegalese constitution to limit the exercise of power to two mandates did not apply to his first mandate.

The Bridge Tank at the Sustainable Belt and Road and China-EU Innovation Development Forum

On the 4th and 5th of November 2018, the Sustainable Belt and Road & China-EU Innovation Development Forum took place, following the partnership signed between The Bridge Tank and the Chinese Academy of Science. During this forum, the president of The Bridge Tank, Joël Ruet, took part in a roundtable with Chinese, European and African speakers.

The Bridge Tank contributes to the Horasis “China Meeting” 2018 in Kiev

Between the 14th and the 16th of October 2018, the Horasis China Meeting took place in Kyiv, Ukraine. It was co-hosted by the China Federation of Industrial Economics.

Joël Ruet intervened in a panel entitled “Understanding China’s Future Plans”. He insisted on the importance of know-how transfer for local development, rather than simply foreign investment, and argued that China’s belt and road initiative led to a growing attraction of national and foreign talents.

The Bridge Tank at the annual meeting of the Western Returned Scholars Association

On September 17-18, 2018, the annual meeting of the Western Returned Scholars Association (WRSA) took place in Xi’An, China. This association, which was created in 1913, counts over 40,000 scholars and is chaired by Chen Zhu, Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and former Chinese Minister of Health.

Joël Ruet, President of The Bridge Tank, took part in the Franco-Chinese Cultural Forum organised by the association. As one of its co-founders, The Bridge Tank also attended the inauguration of the new Belt and Road Research Institute of the WRSA. This institute focuses on three pillars, two of which the Bridge Tank made recommendations on, i.e. energy transition and the diversity of globalisation.

On the occasion of the inauguration, Joël Ruet was pleased to meet again with chairman Chen Zhu.

Joel Ruet & Minister Chen Zhu

The Bridge Tank delegation contributes to the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation 2018 edition in Beijing

The Heads of States Forum on China-Africa Cooperation took place the 3rd and 4th of September 2018.

The Bridge Tank was represented by its chairman Joël Ruet and two of its associate experts, William Nkontchou, Director at Emerging Capital Partners and Member of Choiseul Africa, and Zhang Yang, expert on China-Europe-Africa cooperation. They took part in the high-level discussion between Chinese – African leaders and business communities, notably with leaders of the most prominent China-Africa Funds, discussing Chinese investments in Africa and Chinese loans to Africa, as well as the lack of equity investment on the continent by Chinese companies

Joël Ruet also took part in the official program of the national television channel CGTN on that occasion, and exchanged with Yang Rui, in CGTN most sought after Policy show, « Dialogue ».

Our Board member, Minister Hamed Semega, High Commissionner of the OMVS, the riverine international organization of the Senegal River Basin, was also present as part of the official delegation.

Joël Ruet intervenes at the 2018 edition of the annual BOAO forum inaugurated by Xi Jinping and UNSG Antonio Guterres

Joel Ruet of The Bridge Tank was invited to participate in the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2018 (the “Chinese Davos”) that was held between April 8 and 11 and was entitled “An Open and Innovative Asia for a World of Greater Prosperity”.  The forum was inaugurated by the President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping and the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres.  

Xi Jinping announced that China would lower its import tariffs and introduced the first China International Import Expo, scheduled to take place in Shanghai in November 2018. He called it a demonstration of the Chinese will to open up the Chinese market. Xi also declared that China would strengthen its protection of intellectual property rights, which would play a strong role in “enhancing the competitiveness of the Chinese economy”. Finally, the Chinese president also encouraged technology exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and foreign enterprises. 


António Guterres underlined the numerous benefits which followed globalisation, but also warned against the ever-growing threat of climate change, always “moving faster than us”. Guterres reminded the audience that the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development outlined 17 sustainable goals in order to fight global warming. Guterres added that forums such as this one were key elements in the fight against climate change, as it encouraged productive discussions to find and develop solutions.

Joël Ruet also took part in a conference on the relation between China and India. Among the other keynote speakers of this event were Ratan Tata, former head of the Tata Group, and Chen Deming, former Chinese Minister of Commerce who took part in the negotiations for China’s WTO entry.

The Bridge Tank signs a cooperation agreement with the BOAO Forum

On the 23rd of May 2018, The Bridge Tank and the Boao Forum, often referred to as the “Chinese Davos”, signed a cooperation partnership. The Forum, chaired by the former United Nations Ban Ki-Moon, was represented by its Secretary General Li Baodong, former special envoy of Xi Jinping.

This partnership established a cooperation in the context of the Boao Forum’s globalisation, especially regarding events in partnership in Europe and Africa.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
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