Category: News

China-US : What rivalry regarding investment and innovation?

On March 11, 2019, as part of the “Transatlantic Exchanges Series”, The Bridge Tank and France-Amériques co-organised a conference on “China-United States: further than the hot and cold about trade, what rivalry regarding investment and innovation?”

Joël Ruet, President of The Bridge Tank, Jean-Claude Beaujour, Vice-President of France-Amériques & Board Member of The Bridge Tank, and François Quentin, former Deputy Director-General of Thales and former Chairman of the Executive Board of Huawei France, were the conference’s keynote speakers.

François Quentin presented Huawei as a company with fantastic growth, especially in the last twenty years. However, Western countries and consumers tend to remain critical towards this group, despite a sales policy centred around customers and great attention paid to suppliers, he argued. Yearly bonuses are notably paid through stock exchange shares, and former employees are considered to be highly employable by many other companies.

In addition to the founder and CEO Ren Zhengfei, three administrators, sometimes referred to as three CEOs, share among themselves the direction of the three main parts of the company: strategy, operations, and resources & development. Despite it being in the common interest for Huawei and the United States to stay in good terms, the company could make itself independent from Google and other American firms if the Sino-American trade war was to continue. Along with other factors, the American position could lead Huawei to increasingly centralise its activity in China.

The Bridge Tank attends the 2019 Davos Forum

Between the 22nd and the 25th of January 2019, the World Economic Forum held its annual meeting in Davos. It gathered experts and personalities around the theme “Globalisation 4.0: creating a global architecture at the age of the fourth industrial revolution”. The Bridge Tank was represented by its chairman Joël Ruet and its board member Pranjal Sharma, advisor at the Davos WEF and contributing editor at Business Standard and Business World. Pranjal Sharma discussed with Klaus Schwab, creator of the Forum, about his book “Kranti Nation”.

The Bridge Tank attends the 62nd Congress of the Liberal International with Presidents Ouatara and Sall of Ivory Coast and Senegal

The Liberal International 62nd Congress took place between the 28th and the 30th of November 2018 in Dakar, Senegal.  

On this occasion, amongst the keynote speakers present were African presidents and heads of state members of the Liberal International, including the President of Ivory Coast Alassane Ouattara, the Senegalese President Macky Sall and the exiting chairman of the Liberal International Juli Minoves. They discussed the expansion of the Liberal International in other African countries and the limitations of presidential mandates and rewriting of constitutions. President Ouattara encouraged his Senegalese counterpart to follow his example, repeating his promise not to candidate again at the end of his second mandate, arguing that the two mandates limitation was a key element to maintaining democracy in Africa. President Sall acknowledged this statement whilst reminding his audience that legally the amendment of the Senegalese constitution to limit the exercise of power to two mandates did not apply to his first mandate.

The 62nd Liberal International Congress: our Board member Hakima el Haite elected as LI’s new president

The Liberal International 62nd Congress took place between the 28th and the 30th of November 2018 in Dakar, Senegal.  

On this occasion, African presidents and heads of state members of the Liberal International were among the keynote speakers, including the President of Ivory Coast Alassane Ouattara, the Senegalese President Macky Sall and the exiting chairman of the Liberal International Juli Minoves. They exchanged about the expansion of the Liberal International to other African countries, and discussed limitations of presidential mandates and rewriting of constitutions. President Ouattara encouraged his Senegalese counterpart to follow his example, repeating his promise not to be candidate to a re-election at the end of his second mandate and arguing that the two mandates limitation was a key element to maintaining democracy in Africa. President Sall acknowledged whille reminding that legally the amendment of the Senegalese constitution to limit the exercise of power to two mandates did not apply to his first mandate.

 Hakima El Haite, member of the Bridge Tank’s board, was elected as the new president of the Liberal International, becoming the first African woman to hold this position. 

Joël Ruet attended this election, along with several current or former heads of government. Among them was Cellou Dallein Diallo, former Guinean Prime Minister and candidate to the Guinean presidential election. Him and The Bridge Tank have already worked together in the past, notably on the Climate Summit for local and regional leaders of November 2016.

This edition of the congress included the launch of the Climate Justice Committee, and working sessions on gender equality to which Joël Ruet participated. These work sessions notably focused on the barriers to and opportunities for women’s full and equal political participation.


The 62nd Liberal International Congress – our Board member Hakima el Haite elected as LI’s new president

The Liberal International 62nd Congress took place between the 28th and the 30th of November 2018 in Dakar, Senegal.  

During this congress, Hakima El Haite, member of the Bridge Tank’s board, was elected as the new president of the Liberal International, becoming the first African woman to hold this position. 

Joël Ruet attended this election, along with several current or former heads of government. Among them was Cellou Dallein Diallo, former Guinean Prime Minister and candidate to the Guinean presidential election. Him and The Bridge Tank have already worked together in the past, notably on the Climate Summit for local and regional leaders of November 2016.

The Bridge Tank at the Sustainable Belt and Road and China-EU Innovation Development Forum

On the 4th and 5th of November 2018, the Sustainable Belt and Road & China-EU Innovation Development Forum took place, following the partnership signed between The Bridge Tank and the Chinese Academy of Science. During this forum, the president of The Bridge Tank, Joël Ruet, took part in a roundtable with Chinese, European and African speakers.

The Bridge Tank contributes to the Horasis “China Meeting” 2018 in Kiev

Between the 14th and the 16th of October 2018, the Horasis China Meeting took place in Kyiv, Ukraine. It was co-hosted by the China Federation of Industrial Economics.

Joël Ruet intervened in a panel entitled “Understanding China’s Future Plans”. He insisted on the importance of know-how transfer for local development, rather than simply foreign investment, and argued that China’s belt and road initiative led to a growing attraction of national and foreign talents.

Joël Ruet attends the Hope Foundation Annual Gala Dinner in New York, chaired by Irina Bokova

During the United Nations’ General Assembly in New York, between the 25th September and the 5th October 2018, Joël Ruet attended the annual Hope Foundation Dinner Gala on the 27th of September.

The Foundation, chaired by Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO and member of the Bridge Tank’s board, awarded Niger’s President Mahamadou Issoufou a prize for his actions to maintain security in the Sahelian region and integrate different ethnicities and communities in the national governance of Niger.

The Bridge Tank at the annual meeting of the Western Returned Scholars Association

On September 17-18, 2018, the annual meeting of the Western Returned Scholars Association (WRSA) took place in Xi’An, China. This association, which was created in 1913, counts over 40,000 scholars and is chaired by Chen Zhu, Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and former Chinese Minister of Health.

Joël Ruet, President of The Bridge Tank, took part in the Franco-Chinese Cultural Forum organised by the association. As one of its co-founders, The Bridge Tank also attended the inauguration of the new Belt and Road Research Institute of the WRSA. This institute focuses on three pillars, two of which the Bridge Tank made recommendations on, i.e. energy transition and the diversity of globalisation.

On the occasion of the inauguration, Joël Ruet was pleased to meet again with chairman Chen Zhu.

Joel Ruet & Minister Chen Zhu
Theme: Overlay by Kaira
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