Category: China-India-Africa

The Young Indian Entrepreneurship summit in Bangalore

Confederation of Indian Industry hosted the Young Indian Entrepreneurship summit at the Taj Vivanta in Bangalore, India on 11th March 2017. Indu Krishnaswamy of the Bridge Tank participated in this day long summit which centered on the theme “ – Challenging tradition, transforming world”.


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Joël Ruet meets Wang Yao, member of China’s carbon committee, to discuss green finance issues

On the 19th of March 2017, Joël Ruet visited the Central University of Finance and Economics in Beijing to meet with Professor Wang Yao, deputy secretary to the Green Finance Committee of China. She had already taken part in the final panel of the conferences organised by the Bridge Tank during the COP22 summit in Marrakech.

This committee aims at developing green finance in China and coordination on standards with Europe. It is chaired by Ma Jun, vice-Minister in charge of climate finance.

The Bridge Tank attends the Summit of Young Indian Entrepeneurs

The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) hosted the Indian Young Entrepreneurs’ Summit at Taj Vivanta in Bangalore on 11 March 2017. Indu Krishnaswamy from Bridge Tank participated in the summit which this year was themed: ‘Disrupting or how to transform practices and the world’.

Entrepreneurs, government officials and directors of innovation departments of large companies shared practical advice to the audience largely composed of students and young entrepreneurs. The discussions focused on the ‘digitalisation’ of India, driven by the government and the private sector, and the effects of the resulting disruption on traditional industries in India.

The summit highlighted portal-led initiatives for economic and social transformation – from the government-led UID initiative to the Aadhaar card and new payment methods such as Ezetap. The other important point that was raised was the changing ambitions and mindset of India’s IT industries, and the Indian entrepreneurial ecosystem in general. Indeed, the Indian ecosystem intends to transform its focus from service providers to creative companies whose aim is to develop original connected and intelligent products and revolutionise the infrastructure through connected devices to connect rural India to urban India. The passion, optimism and determination that flowed from the speakers’ speeches demonstrate a strong ambition to keep the digital revolution and disruptive innovation moving forward in India

The Bridge Tank attends the 12th India-Africa Conclave in New Delhi

On the 9th and 10th of March 2017, the Confederation of Indian Industry and Exim Bank of India held their 12th Conclave on India-Africa  Partnership in New Delhi, India. This conclave was notably inaugurated by Pranab Mukherjee, President of India, and M.J. Akbar, minister of external affairs. Speakers included Nirmala Sitharaman, Indian Minister of Commerce and Industry, Gen V. K. Singh, former Indian Minister for Foreign Affairs, the King of Swaziland Mswati III, the President of Uganda Yoweri Museveni, and Ruhakana Rugunda, Prime Minister of Uganda. Over 6,000 delegates from 45 African countries and 5,000 Indian delegates took part in this conference. The Bridge Tank has been taking part in the CII’s conclaves every year since 2015.

The Bridge Tank attends the 12th Confederation of Indian Industry Conclave on India-Africa in New Delhi

On the 9th and 10th of March 2017, the Confederation of Indian Industry held its 12th Exim Bank Conclave on India-Africa Project Partnership in New Delhi, India. This conclave was notably inaugurated by Pranab Mukherjee, President of India, and M.J. Akbar, minister of external affairs. Speakers included Nirmala Sitharaman, Indian Minister of Commerce and Industry, Gen V. K. Singh, former Indian Minister for Foreign Affairs, the King of Swaziland Mswati III, the President of Uganda Yoweri Museveni, and Ruhakana Rugunda, Prime Minister of Uganda. Over 6,000 delegates from 45 African countries and 5,000 Indian delegates took part in this conference. The Bridge Tank has been taking part in the CII’s conclaves every year since 2015.

Insights into Emerging Economies n°8 – Perspective on China’s investments and a close-up on clean energy storage in the Global South

Although China’s growth experienced a moderate slowdown in 2015, its foreign investment on the other hand soared. Officially set up in December 2015, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is showing the Asian giant’s firm intention to move away from a strategy based on mass production towards a logic of enhancing its capital both regionally and globally. The Bridge Tank deciphers this new power of investment.

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Summary of Side Event “Structuring New Markets Linked to Climate Change: South-South Business Models for After the COP22”

The Side Event “Structuring New Markets Linked to Climate Change: South-South Business Models for After the COP22”  was organized in the Green Zone of the COP22 on November 16, 2016. The speakers included: Thomas Eymond-Laritaz, Director – APCO Global Solutions (Moderator); Abdeldjellil Bouzidi, Economist, Manager at Emena Advisory, Member of the Public Statistics Authority (France); Catherine Girard, Expert Leader, Energy and Commodities Strategy, Renault; Joël Ruet, Chairman – The Bridge Tank.

This side event, introduced by Thomas Eymond-Laritaz, provided an opportunity to discuss the impact of climate change and the COP21 and COP22 on the economic and industrial sectors. A particular focus was the perspective of innovative business models created in the South-South dynamic. The idea was to anticipate future opportunities, reflect on the structuring of new and green industrial ecosystems, and examine the financial tools that will enable progress in these two areas.


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Report: Sustainable Development & Intellectual Property: Access to Technologies in Developing Countries

Sustainable development, this meta-project that aims to secure development without harmful consequences for humankind and the environment, is of great necessity as our planet is threatened by climate change. In developing countries in particular, it requires the large-scale deployment of “clean” or environmentally sound technologies. The role of industrial property is often evoked in this deployment, either as a catalyst or a hindrance to the development of environmentally sound technologies. One aim of this study is to answer the question of the role of industrial property in the adoption of environmentally sound technologies in developing countries. Read more …

Guangzhou – Pre-G20 Meeting Senegal-China

El Haj Kassé, Minister-Counsellor of the Senegalese President Macky Sall and Board Member of the Bridge Tank, was a member of the Senegalese presidential’s delegation which arrived in Hangzhou,China, for the upcoming G20 Summit on September 4th and 5th.

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Africa Wants its Own, West-free, Path to Development

“At the 27thsummit of the African Union (AU), which took place in Kigali on the 17thand 18thof July, as a first,the AU’s invited none of its partners: France, the United States, the United Kingdom, China, the European Union, had to read the press… This was neither an oversight nor an anecdotal absence, but another sign that Africa intends to gather together to work towards its economic sovereignty…” Read More

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
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