When a South African court attacks the remaining pillar of globalization

The G20 leaders met on the 7th and 8th July in the harbour city of Hamburg, a Symbol of trade where they sought new keys to globalization through investment.

Thousands of kilometers to the south, would the setting seizure of an innocuous African boat of fertilizers anchored in an African harbour become a symbol of the shadowed side of the “new globalization” ? Resistant to trade; Politizing investment; Instrumentalising the local courts, discreetly unraveling the advances of multi-lateral governance?

Read more in French at http://www.atlantico.fr/decryptage/quand-cour-sud-africaine-attaque-au-seul-pilier-encore-intact-mondialisation-3114949.html#1okb4rhaS3FKWAZX.99

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