Category: Columns and media

Meet the Prospective Next UN Secretary-General

Global leaders are gathering in New York this week for the 70thregular session of the United Nations General Assembly, and the search for Ban Ki-moon’s successor is intensifying. Candidates will be needed who have experience in shepherding complex multilateral relationships, can be a bridge builder between the United States, Russia, and China, and crucially have a vision for the UN during their tenure.

Which names will be whispered in the halls of Turtle Bay? Who is staking their claim? And which candidates are best placed to succeed Ban Ki-moon and lead the United Nations? Here is the list of confirmed or rumored candidates from Eastern Europe … Read more

French Blindness on Indian Industry

Beyond the Rafale’s “deal” with India, France needs to fundamentally change the way it understands the position of India within the global economy today. As India develops partnerships and seeks to strengthen its power in global industry, France needs to incorporate India’s new vision and “Make in India” program into its own vision about the sub-continent. In order to give priority to this major potential partner, France has to create an “industrial and economic diplomacy”. Joel Ruet, president of The Bridge Tank, defends this opinion in a column published on the blog Les chroniques de l’emergence/ Le Mondeon the 1stof June 2015. Read more in French

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