The reopening of the Bonn climate negotiations: what are the challenges for COP 23?

Joël Ruet was interviewed by the Moroccan National Radio and Television Company (SNRT) on the reopening of negotiations in Bonn.


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One of the main issues raised during this interview was the ambiguous position of the United States, as the election of Donald Trump represents an uncertainty for the future of the discussions. However, Joel Ruet highlighted China’s new role as a world leader in renewable energies, thus turning the stakes of the climate change mitigation initiative into economic opportunities.


COP 21 & 22 revealed a genuine willingness on the part of civil society and the private sector to move from the “gray” economy to the “green” economy, while stressing on the importance of the economic and social incentives of this transition. The Bonn negotiations are expected to emphasize the importance of these non-state actors, who form the base for the implementation of the agreements. On the sidelines of this preparatory meeting in Bonn, a new group of investors, for example, committed a much higher amount than last year, demonstrating the weight of economic incentives. Beyond the commitment of investors of $ 150 billion for the Green Fund, on the sidelines of this preparatory meeting in Bonn, a new group of long-term investors in asset management (representing $ 15 trillion) for example, is committed to moving their portfolio towards green investment, hence demonstrating the weight of economic incentives.


Joël Ruet also highlighted the growing role of Africa since the COP 20. The African delegation was one of the most coherent to the extent that climate issues had succeeded in bringing together the majority of African decision-makers through a strong coordination between Ministers of the environment and Sherpas. Moreover, since COP21, Africa is one of the first continents to emphasize the importance of adaptation. Previously, the negotiations focused more on CO2 emissions and very little on the adaptation and financing of this green transition.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
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